Changing Client Mindsets: Making the Switch to Kentico Kontent

3 min read

Making the Switch From Traditional to Headless

We live in a culture of consumerism where users seek instant gratification when using the web. To satisfy user expectations, brands need to adopt a pioneering approach to web development, creating fast, responsive online experiences that deliver results through the click of a button. 

With platforms such as Kentico and Umbraco at the core of our services, we understand the benefits of traditional CMS’ – sometimes referred to as monolithic CMS’ due to their size, power and indivisibility. However, aspects web development are evolving to a headless, content first approach and, as an agency, we too must explore these emerging options to bring innovative solutions to our clients.

Change can be daunting but it can also be necessary and worthwhile. Making the switch from a traditional CMS to a headless CMS may unsettle some businesses,  but to keep pace with industry innovations, you must be open to change. Reinforcing a content first, collaborative approach encourages clients to embrace such developments within the industry; Kentico Kontent may be the change we all need.  

What is Kentico Kontent?

Kentico’s headless CMS offering provides the freedom to create powerful cross-channel experiences by de-coupling control content from the front-end user interface. Although in the early stages of industry adoption, it is fast becoming the new standard for futureproofing and streamlining content creation.

Splitting out front-end and back-end development functions allow for real-time collaboration, working on content creation and development simultaneously. Sometimes, a project will still be more suited to a traditional CMS, nevertheless, as a potentially industry-disrupting technology, Kentico Kontent is becoming a focal point of our discussions. 

Why use Kentico Kontent?

You may be wondering if it’s right for your website and whether you should be considering it as an option for your business. Many clients are concerned about being left behind so we aim to balance the futureproofing of a website with the current realities of a business to create realistic solutions. The fundamentals of Kentico Kontent support our proactive approach, allowing us to place a fresh perspective on the challenges at hand.

With an overwhelming amount of options available, we see it as our role to support and guide, helping your business smoothly transition into its next steps whether that be to a new platform or a headless CMS solution. The immediate benefit of Kentico Kontent is the separation of your content from technology. Being able to create the two independently allows channel and technology stack flexibility, as well as increasing the speed of content creation, unlimited by the CMS. Whilst you will still need to host your web application with a headless CMS, you may be able to make it more lightweight and save on hosting costs.

Regardless of platform we always recommend a content-first approach. There is no denying that content creation is the biggest source of project delay during the development process. Kentico Kontent reduces this risk as website functionality can more easily be designed and built around content, providing a faster route to market and reduced costs. This new platform encourages you to address content first, helping to minimise project delays and encourage collaboration between client and agency.

Additionally, designers and UI developers want to create great user experiences but sometimes have the constraints of the CMS to comprehend. A headless approach gives developers more freedom to create and innovate. A decoupled architecture also provides free range to designers as they can manage content separately, giving them the freedom to create customised solutions. It’s clear there are benefits to adopting this new approach but shifts like these take time and planning.

How Will we Implement Kentico Kontent Into our Future Projects?

The introduction of Kentico Kontent has been received positively within the marketplace and the Kentico community. However, as technology advancements occur it naturally creates new challenges to overcome such as client readiness and the need for a change of mindset. As a result, we expect to see a slow transition to headless CMS rather than an instant shift.

Platform innovations such as Kentico Kontent provides us with a new, proactive and creative platform to use, allowing us to address modern-day challenges with the right technology for today while considering tomorrow.

Here at NetConstruct, we strive to add value at every stage to support your project. View us as the trusted advisor, providing options and advice on the best way to complete a project. If the benefits of a headless CMS appeal to you, contact us today to discuss your website requirements.

Thoughts. Opinions. Views. Advice.

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